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So THIS is Indonesia

Hi friends and family! Our final week in Indonesia showed us the beauty of this massive country. (Fourth most populated in the world!) After a fun and healthy stay in Java, we flew to Lombok Island. We stayed on the northwestern part of the island, which is lush, beautiful, and full of the friendliest people. 

The beaches were white and covered in shells, so the kids were entertained for hours. The water was so clear—I’d never seen anything like it.

It was the perfect chance for our first successful family snorkel since the Galapagos (7 months ago!?). We took a small boat out to the Gili Islands off the coast of Lombok.

We saw so many beautiful tropical fish (even Moorish Idols, my fave!) and green sea turtles. Baker took off his snorkel so he could dive down to get a closer look. He went maybe two feet underwater, but you could tell he felt like a legit deep sea diver. Ginny was her usual mermaid self. Lu held my hand and loudly confirmed that I saw every little thing she saw. It was awesome. 

Then after a few hours snorkeling and playing in the water we all (except for Ryan, of course) got too tired, too hot, too salty, and totally melted down. It was a mopey trip back to the hotel. So it goes! 

My favorite part of our stay on Lombok was running the rural roads outside the resort.

The roads led me through little villages where nearly everyone shared a smile or a wave. The little kids were the best. One very rainy run a kid ran out of his home, sprinted past me barefoot, gave me his best bicep flex, and then ran back home. Such a little stud!

I also enjoyed the Muslim calls to prayer. Before arriving in Yogyakarta, we did not realize that mosques in predominately Muslim communities use a loud speaker to announce five calls to prayer a day. The first call is around 4:30 am, right when Ryan started his workday, and could be heard throughout the city. In Lombok, we could hear multiple mosques' calls to prayer, each of which lasted for 10-15 minutes. We could not understand the words of the prayer, but it became a reminder for us to pause and be grateful.

From Lombok we flew back to Bali for the night before our flight to Cambodia via Vietnam. We stayed the night at the same resort in Bali where Baker and Ryan had dengue. I saw it through different eyes this time. It wasn’t at all the prison I remember—it actually was lovely! I am grateful we got the chance to see and thank everyone who helped us through a very rough patch, especially our guide and friend Arta. We feel lucky to know him. 

Today we flew to Ho Chi Minh (we’ll be back to stay in a week!) and then on to Siem Riep. I am excited to explore Cambodia for a week. I know so little about this part of the world, and I’m ready to learn alongside the kids! Lu has said all along that she’s only on this trip to meet Chhouk, the 3-footed elephant who lives at a sanctuary in Cambodia (and the main character in her favorite book). We’ll meet him on the 17th, and she’s PUMPED! 

We miss you and we miss home! Less than five months until Team VIA lands back on Mercer Island. Here we go!!

All my love,


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caitlin mchugh
caitlin mchugh
Feb 11

Wow back in 5 mos??! How is that true. We cannot wait. In the meantime, continue collecting tidbits of worldly culture and life. Thank you for sharing it with us, I continue to be in awe of you. XOXOXOXO


Sandy Chan Margoles
Sandy Chan Margoles
Feb 11

It sounds like the perfect stay! Can’t wait to hear about Cambodia.

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